Updates to Infinity Farm as of APRIL 29, 2023:
Pullets 4 weeks to 10 weeks $25 each or 5/$100:
55 Flower Hens
Black Copper Marans
Blue Marans <3
Chocolate Orpington
Lavender Orpington
Chocolate Based Project Orpington
Easter Eggers
Backcross Olive Eggers
Pullets under 4 weeks $15 each or 4/$50:
55 Flower Hens
Barred Rock
Chocolate Orpington
Crested Cream Legbar
Straight Run Chicks $8/each:
Blue Marans
Various tinted layers
We have cockerels in most ALL breeds!
Message me for 10 or more pricing!
Pricing good through May 8!